The Hummingbird:
Messenger of Joy, Resilience, and Reconnection to the Self
In shamanism, animal totems are soul guides, appearing on our path at key moments in life. They are not chosen; they reveal themselves to us, in a dream, a vision, a whisper from nature, or a troubling synchronicity.
Throughout my quest, I met many allied spirits: the Eagle, messenger of the heights, bearer of clarity, and the Swan, symbol of transformation and grace, deep and intimate presences. Like the beings we encounter in life, some only pass by, leaving a fleeting impression, while others anchor themselves within us.
But one day, in a moment of great trial, the Hummingbird appeared. Its arrival was sudden, a flash of awakening, a beat of wings charged with meaning, like an electric shock from the invisible world. It was not just a messenger; it was an answer. A certainty. From that moment on, I knew its spirit would accompany me, and it would carry a message for you as well.
This is how Colidorado was born – the fusion of the Hummingbird and Dorado, the messenger bird and the golden land, a promise of inner quest and revelation.
It is here. Quick as lightning, elusive, vibrating with pure energy. The hummingbird never stays for long, but when it does appear, it is always to deliver a precious message: that of lightness, joy, and the power of the present moment.
The hummingbird invites you to reconnect with your true nature, the one that knows life is not a burden to bear, but a dance to savor. It whispers to you that the key to happiness lies in your ability to be here and now, to lighten what holds you back, and to welcome life with renewed curiosity.
Listen to what the hummingbird wants to tell you…
💫 Be light, but powerful. Lightness is not an escape, it is a strength. It is the ability to go through challenges without being trapped by them. Like the hummingbird, you can face the headwinds while keeping your shine.
🔄 Learn to adapt with fluidity. You are not meant to stay still. Look at the hummingbird: it moves forward, backward, changes direction with ease. It invites you not to cling to one path, but to explore, to be guided by your intuition.
🔥 Be resilient. Even the smallest being can accomplish great things. The hummingbird travels thousands of miles, defying all the laws of nature. It reminds you that your strength does not depend on your size or resources, but on your determination to keep moving forward.
💖 Open your heart and love without fear. The hummingbird feeds on the nectar of flowers, dancing from one essence to another, in a free and natural exchange. It invites you to cultivate sincere and radiant love, without attachment, without fear of loss. Love, not to possess, but to vibrate fully.
🔮 Listen to the signs. The hummingbird never comes by chance. It is a messenger of synchronicities, the subtle answers the universe sends you. Open your eyes, your heart, your intuition… Perhaps something is trying to speak to you.
🌿 Do your part, even if it seems small. Every flap of the hummingbird’s wings is a miracle in itself. Even the smallest actions can create immense change. You have a role to play. No matter what you choose to do, do it with faith, do it with love, do it your way.
Hummingbird, Messenger of the Gods
The hummingbird never comes by chance. Its unpredictable flight, its lightness, its supernatural agility… everything in it seems to defy the laws of the material world. It is a being between worlds, a sacred messenger carrying the secrets of the sky and the earth.
In ancient traditions, especially among Native American people, it is the bird of prophecy, the bearer of light, the intermediary between visible and invisible dimensions. It is said to bring answers to those who seek, signs to those who doubt, and blessings to those who are ready to listen.
When a hummingbird appears on your path, listen to what it is trying to tell you. It doesn’t speak with words, but with synchronicities, fleeting bursts of beauty, invitations to slow down and observe.
✨ Are you attentive to the messages the Universe whispers to you?
✨ Have you noticed those "coincidences" that aren’t really coincidences?
✨ Can you feel that subtle vibration guiding you, just beneath the surface of what’s visible?
The hummingbird forces nothing. It imposes nothing. It just opens a door, a crack in the everyday, so you can see beyond appearances. It reminds you that magic exists, that everything is connected, and that love is the force that unites each beat of wings to the infinity of the cosmos.
It is the divine breath that whispers to you:
“You are on the right path. Trust the dance of life. Open yourself to the mysteries, and let yourself be guided.”
The hummingbird does not doubt. It knows.
And if you, too, listened to the wisdom of your heart?
A message for you…
Let yourself be carried. Trust your natural momentum. Don’t cling to what weighs you down. Life is a flight in constant motion, and you were made to dance with it.
The hummingbird never doubts its ability to find the next flower, the next nectar, the next breeze to carry it. It lives in complete harmony with the flow of life.
What if you, too, let life carry you?
💫 Follow your heart, it knows the way. 💫